Development: WordPress Composer Package Inpsyde Assets

Development: WordPress Composer Package Inpsyde Assets
The package is an OOP wrapper and allows to register and enqueue scripts and styles in a WordPress site in different locations.

While a plugin is (in WordPress) some kind of functionality or tool, a package is a collection of at least one or more modules. When it comes to WordPress development, packages help to deal with certain kind of development topics. So does the package we developed and which we want to introduce today, as it’s available for free on GitHub. The WordPress composer package Inpsyde Assets allows to deal with scripts and styles in a WordPress site.

The WordPress Composer Package Inpsyde Assets

The package is an OOP wrapper and allows to register and enqueue scripts and styles in a WordPress site in different locations.

The minimum requirements to use this package are PHP 7+ and WordPress latest-2. In case you want to install the package for development, via Composer, Inpsyde Assets also requires:

  • phpunit/phpunit (BSD-3-Clause)
  • brain/monkey (MIT)
  • inpsyde/php-coding-standards

Simply install the package via Composer:

$ composer require inpsyde/assets

When using Assets in your theme or plugin, you can simply access the Inpsyde\Assets\AssetManager by hooking into the setup-hook.

$ composer require inpsyde/assets

When using Assets in your theme or plugin, you can simply access the Inpsyde\Assets\AssetManager by hooking into the setup-hook.

This way you can start registering your assets:

use Inpsyde\Assets\AssetManager;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Style;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;

function(AssetManager $assetManager) {

new Script('foo', 'foo.js'),
new Style('foo', 'foo.css')

The AssetFactory

Instead of creating instances by hand, it’s sometimes easier to use configuration via array or file to manage your specific assets.


use Inpsyde\Assets\Asset;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Script;
use Inpsyde\Assets\Style;

return [
'handle' => '',
'url' => '',
'location' => Asset::FRONTEND,
'type' => Style::class
'handle' => 'bar',
'url' => '',
'location' => Asset::FRONTEND,
'type' => Script::class

In your application you can create all assets from that file by using the Inpsyde\Assets\AssetFactory:

use Inpsyde\Assets\AssetManager;
use Inpsyde\Assets\AssetFactory;

function(AssetManager $assetManager) {


There are two main classes delivered:

  • Inpsyde\Assets\Script – dealing with JavaScript-files.
  • Inpsyde\Assets\Style – dealing with CSS-files.

Each instance requires a string $handle, string $url, int $location and optionally a configuration via array $config.

Following configurations are available:

[table id=1 /]

Asset locations

By default the package comes with predefined locations of assets:

[table id=2 /]

To avoid duplicated registration of Assets in different locations such as backend and frontend, it is possible to add multiple locations via bitwise operator | (OR).

Additional Information about WordPress Composer Package Inpsyde Assets

You can use some OutputFilters which are specified to manipulate the output of the Script via script_loader_tag and Style via style_loader_tag. Check out which OutputFilter Inpsyde Assets provides and, moreover, how to create your own filter in GitHub.


If you have questions or feedback, simply leave a comment and we’ll answer. 🙂

* Many thanks to Danial RiCaRoS for the photo we are using in this blogpost header.